Merry Jade

Merry Jade rates the best cannabis products and sites of 2023. Find cannabis reviews sorted by type and quality.​

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Houseplant is a cannabis brand located in Vancouver, British Columbia. This is also the company connected to actor Seth Rogen. They feel weed is misunderstood so Houseplant wants to give it the treatment it deserves. Even though they only offer 2 products, a great deal of time and effort went into choosing them. Their strains are strong, beautiful, fresh, and most importantly, delivers the experience expected of the users. Below you will find our Houseplant cannabis reviews.

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houseplant indica review cannabis photos cannibros 7 Cooked 6 High User Avg

Houseplant Indica Review

Houseplant Indica is a product of Seth Rogen’s cannabis company and so far they seem to be getting mixed reviews. With a general name like “Indica” we were a bit curious as to which ...

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