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Jungle Breath

Jungle Breath is an indica-dominant hybrid that was created by crossing Motor Breath and Jungle Cake strains, offering a powerful kick of relaxation and invigoration all at once.

In terms of genetics, Jungle Breath's parentage reflects its compelling qualities. The strain inherited its stimulating and uplifting effects from Motor Breath, a high THC strain known for its energizing properties. On the other hand, Jungle Cake contributed to Jungle Breath's sedative potential, allowing for a perfect balance between stimulation and relaxation.

When visually assessing the Jungle Breath bud, you'll be greeted by oversized, pepper-shaped nuggets exhibiting a bright neon green hue with golden undertones. Fiery orange hairs contribute to its unique look, while chunky, golden-amber trichomes give it a frosted appearance. It's indeed a sight to behold, worthy of high Jungle Breath strain reviews.

One of the unique aspects of Jungle Breath is its terpene profile. The bud is packed with aromatic compounds such as limonene, linalool, caryophyllene, and terpinolene. Each of these terpenes brings its own unique aroma and potential health benefits. Limonene provides a citrusy scent, while linalool offers floral notes. Caryophyllene adds a dash of peppery spice, and terpinolene brings a hint of sweetness to the mix.

Once you break open a bud a complex symphony of scents fills the air. The aroma is predominantly grape, with a peppery undertone that will delight lovers of diesel-like smells. As the scent settles, undertones of strawberry and grapefruit add a delightful tang. The flavor, on the other hand, is an exciting mix of sweet and sour nutty orange, laced with a hint of refreshing mint.

Upon inhaling Jungle Breath, you might find yourself pleasantly surprised by the high. Starting off with a mild tingle, the effect gradually intensifies, sweeping through your body in growing waves of potency. But it won't just knock you off your feet; instead, you'll find yourself on a thrilling ride filled with euphoria and a touch of lighthearted laughter. This vibrant energy keeps you engaged and alert, rather than pushing you towards sleep.

Medical cannabis consumers often turn to Jungle Breath for relief from a variety of conditions. It has been known to help with chronic stress, anxiety, mood swings, and fatigue. Additionally, the strain may assist those struggling with chronic pain. Users with conditions such as multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, Alzheimer's disease, hypertension, and epilepsy may also find relief with this bud.

As with any potent strain, there can be a few potential side effects, such as dry eyes, increased heart rate, and dry mouth. Some users have reported feeling particularly hungry or experiencing slurred speech. It's always crucial to start slow and gradually increase the dosage as needed.

For cannabis connoisseurs who appreciate the balance between relaxation and invigoration that Jungle Breath offers, they might also enjoy strains with similar genetics or effects. The energizing Motor Breath or the calming Jungle Cake could serve as worthy alternatives.

This is truly an all-round strain, delighting the senses with its captivating aroma and providing the perfect blend of relaxation and euphoria. Its potency, combined with its medical benefits, ensures that it stands tall amidst its contemporaries. This is one flower that will leave you feeling both soothed and stimulated, ready to tackle whatever the day throws at you.

1 Total Reviews
2 Up Votes
117 117 Total Views
Flavor & Aroma Citrus, Skunky, Musky, Earthy
Top Effect Relaxing, Tingly, Calming
Potency Very Strong - Potent
THC 20 - 28%

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Citizen Stash Jungle Breath is an indica-dominant hybrid with an unclear genetic lineage. The product description suggests this flower will exhibit typical Kush traits such as a gassy musk and skunk s...

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