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Orange Tingz

Orange Tingz is an indica-dominant strain cultivated by Sacred Cut Genetics through the crossbreeding of Slurricane and TMAC. This strain is renowned for its unique blend of aroma and taste, which users often describe as a delightful mix of sweet citrusy kick intermingled with an earthy base note.

When it comes to its physical properties, growers describe the Orange Tingz strain as producing medium to large-sized buds that are dense in structure. These buds are aesthetically pleasing with their light green hue, and they stand out due to a considerable layer of trichomes that cover them. The heavy trichome coating not only adds to the visual appeal but is also indicative of the strain's high potency.

Digging deeper into its flavour profile, Orange Tingz primarily exhibits a strong sweet citrus taste, with nuanced undertones of grape and berry, delivering a well-rounded sensory experience. This mirrors its aroma, thus creating a harmonious symmetry between its smell and taste.

One of the key elements contributing to the aroma, flavour, and potential therapeutic effects of Orange Tingz is its terpene profile. Terpenes are organic compounds that give each strain its distinct characteristics. In the case of Orange Tingz, the primary terpenes include Limonene, known for its citrusy aroma and potential stress-relieving properties; Ocimene, which adds sweet and herbal notes and may have anti-inflammatory benefits; and Trans-Caryophyllene, a spicy-scented terpene that may offer pain-relieving effects.

In the sections below, we present a collection of reviews about the Orange Tingz cannabis strain, providing insights from real users and their experiences.

1 Total Reviews
13 Up Votes
433 433 Total Views
Flavor & Aroma Citrus, Earthy, Fruity, Sweet, Berry, Grape
Top Effect Euphoria, Happy, Relaxing, Uplifting
Potency Very Strong - Potent
THC 20 - 28%

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pistol and paris orange tingz review cannabis photos 6 merry jade 8.7 Blazed 8.9 Blazed User Avg

Pistol and Paris Orange Tingz Review

Pistol and Paris is a legacy legal producer near the Fraser Valley, BC. Pistol and Paris Orange Tingz is a hybrid strain that was created by crossing Slurricane with a TMAC and was bred by Scared Cut ...

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