Merry Jade

Merry Jade rates the best cannabis products and sites of 2023. Find cannabis reviews sorted by type and quality.​

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BIG is a Canadian cannabis brand located in Ontario that is focused on creating high quality concentrated extracts like resin, rosin and wax. The goal is not just to make strong concentrates but also products that are flavourful and reasonably priced. Plus they take an artisan approach by using their own proprietary method to extract. If you're looking for potent dabs then this brand is one to check out. Below you'll find our BIG cannabis concentrate reviews.

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Product Reviews

big greasy pink live resin review photos 5 merry jade 8.1 Blazed 8.3 Blazed User Avg

Big Greasy Pink Live Resin Review

Today’s we’re looking at Big Greasy Pink Live Resin which was made using BHO extraction from a group of carefully selected Birthday Cake strain buds. We’re not familiar with this str...

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